Our environmental commitment
The Group is mindful of the impact of its operations on the environment and is passionate about playing its part in protecting the natural environment for the years to come. This includes supporting climate resilience and biodiversity as well as reducing waste, conserving water and sustainable supply chain sourcing. The Group reports to its investor Arjun on its performance in all these areas regularly.
Supporting biodiversity
Sustainable supply chain sourcing
Reducing energy consumption
Supporting climate resilience
Reducing waste
Conserving our water
Some examples of environment initiatives within the year include:

Enhancing biodiversity through the PEBBLE fund
The Cambridge Water and South Staffs Water PEBBLE biodiversity fund awarded over £88,000 to 21 charities and community groups this year for projects that will enhance the environment in around 18 hectares across the Cambridge and South Staffs operating areas. Since the business first launched its PEBBLE fund in 2016, 54.7 hectares of land (the equivalent of nearly 55 rugby pitches) across the Cambridge and South Staffs operating areas have been improved thanks to the biodiversity projects it has supported.

Protecting the environment with sustainable pipe laying methods
OnSite Pipelines, having been appointed to install a heat main for Eden Geothermal, ensured a focus on biodiversity during the works. Natural gabion baskets, instead of concrete alternatives, were formed from large rocks excavated from trenches to support above ground pipes. Excavated large rocks were also used to create hibernacula for insects to bask on and live in. Finally, topsoil bunds were created for insects from excavated material, supporting in particular burrowing bees and all soft ground trenches were reinstated with topsoil and seeded wildflower mix.

EV chargers installed at OnSite to begin the electrification of our fleet
The Group has taken steps to electrify its fleet, offering for the first time both full electric and hybrid vehicles for company car drivers and taking the first delivery of electric small vans for field-based teams. To support this, investment in EV charging infrastructure took place in the year, with EV chargers installed at the Group’s head office and three of its businesses’ regional depots.